Potala Rassa with cocunut
Potala is a rare affair for us.. especially because it's not a regular vegetable in the Indian markets.. and when it is.. it's so expensive to buy in bulk.. so we buy them in small amounts & tend to make delicate recipes with them rather than just fry them & have with "Pakhala" !! So here's a recipe that I tried.. I must have gone through 10 different potala rassa & curry recipes online before I reached this... I hope you like it !! Ingredients Around 15 to 20 small sized potala (pointed gourd) 1 bay leaf Masala Paste # 1 - 1/2 while onion + Ginger + Garlic + Red dried chillies + Cumin seeds + 1 inch cinnamon stick + wee bit water. Paste # 2 - 1/4 cup cashews + 2 table spoons poppy seeds + 1/2 cup grated coconut + wee bit water Salt + Turmeric + Turmeric + Cumin powder + Coriander powder + Garam masala powder Mustard oil Fresh coriander leaves - chopped. Process Scrape the potala & slit them length wise. Marinat...