Odiya Kitchen Setup - Part 3 - Primary Vegetables

Now that your pantry is setup (well.. almost), it's time to move on to some basic vegetables that you will need on a day to day basis for your Odiya kitchen. These are really the primary vegetables that are always used in an Odiya kitchen. The make & model will again depend on your taste but as long as you have these in your kitchen (either in the fridge or pantry), you will not g hungry at all.

You can add or subtract any vegetables from the list based on your food habits or health restrictions etc. This list is merely a baseline from my kitchen. You can go above & beyond this... Try it !!

  • Alu or Potatoes
  • Piyasa or Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Baigana or Eggplants or Brinjal
  • Sagaw or Green Leaves (Any kind that you like - Chard, Spinach, Kale - List is unending)
  • Kakharu or Pumpkin or Any kind of Squash (Butternut, Zucchini, Opo, Green Papaya etc)
  • Dhaniya Patra or Green Coriander Leaves
  • Bhrusanga Patra or Curry leaves
  • Ada or Ginger
  • Rasuna or Garlic
  • Lanka or Green chillies


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